National Numbers
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National Numbers Blog

Private plates can be used for various reasons.

By James Russell

UK number plates often have fascinating histories and owners, and the tale of V 33 is pretty extraordinary.

By James Russell

Welcome to a very special, Indian-Telugu-themed number plate blog.

By James Russell

What better way to greet the New Year than with a new number plate?

By James Russell

Happy New Year everybody, we hope you had a great time with family and friends and that you are back into the swing of things for January.

By James Russell

2024 is upon us, which means one thing? A new number plate release.

By James Russell

The past few years have been exciting for new car releases, but 2024 looks set to be even bigger.

By James Russell

It can be difficult to come up with the perfect Christmas gift for the ones you love.

By James Russell

There are loads of reasons to bag at least one private number plate for your business.

By James Russell

Recently, the Welsh government caused quite a stir with motorists in the country.

By James Russell

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Only need plastic plates? Replacement number plates for pick up from a local Collection Point
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