Mason is used as a predominantly male name although it is now becoming more gender neutral. As a surname, Mason originated from England or Ireland, and was referred to people who worked in the stone masonry occupation. As far as surnames go, it's fairly common, ranking as the 2nd most common in Canada and 4th in the United States and New Zealand.
In the case of personalised registrations for the name Mason, the S can be replaced with a 5 to create a likeness, this was the case in July 2002 when the registration MAS 5ON sold for £4400, a bargain for a plate with such clear representation.
Whether the registration is for a first or last name, for yourself or for somebody else, National Numbers will have something for you. We have an extensive range with something for every budget. To find out more, browse our website or call the sales team on 01642 363738.
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