Ashley can be a masculine or feminine Christian forename or surname. Ash is obviously a shortened form and, having three letters, conveniently lends itself to our vehicle registration formats. For example, a prefix year letter followed by one, two or three numbers plus 'ASH' would effectively personalise a vehicle. Similarly the current DVLA registration format, which is 4x3, would also fit nicely.
Of course, at the other end of the market, dateless ASH plates command high prices. For example, 1 ASH sold in 1999 for £25,000, and more recently in 2014, 54 ASH was purchased for £3,400.
Looking at the above selection of number plates shows there are a lot of choices available so we should be able to find something for your budget. National Numbers might even be able to help you personalise your number plate further, so give them a call on 01642 363738 to discuss your options.
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