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Everything You Need To Know About The BSAU145e Standard Number Plate

September, 1 2021 | James Russell

We love blogging about fun stuff here at National Numbers.


Everything You Need To Know About The BSAU145e Standard Number Plate

In fact, we’ve provided many a hit over the past year or so, from the Funniest Number Plates on UK Roads, The Weirdest Rules of The Road, and a personal favourite, 10 Most Extreme Snow Vehicles.

But sometimes, just sometimes, we like to be serious and give you a proper update about number plate law when the opportunity arises. Today is one of those days, because as of today (1st September 2021, for those reading in the future), the all new BSAU145e standard of number plate comes into effect.

Let’s take a look at what this update in number plate law means for motorists in the UK, starting with what the standard actually is.

What is the BSAU145e standard registration?

A picture is worth a thousand words, so take a look at this brilliant, annotated image of a brand new BSAU145e-compliant registration with everything made clear, courtesy of Jepson & Co Ltd.

BSAU145e standard

But if you fancy a read of the update instead, here’s the changes in bullet point form.

  • Borders – borders on your number plate must be no thicker than 5mm, which is a reduction from 6mm on previous registration plates. The border must consist of one solid, non-reflecting colour and mustn’t come closer than 10mm to the registration digits.
  • Artwork – see the little Jepsons bit at the bottom of the plate? That must be between 3 and 8mm high and also in one solid, non-reflecting colour.
  • Digits – digits on the plate itself must also be solid black, so that means no two-tone or 3D effects.
  • The BS mark – the new BSAU145e mark must be shown in the manufacturer’s mark, which you can see in the bottom right hand corner of the image above.
  • Size – no change here as standard oblong number plates remain the same size as before (520 x 11mm) and lipped registrations also remain the same size (520 x 125mm).

The new BSAU145estandard for motorbikes and 4x4 registration plates

But what about motorbikes and 4x4s I hear you ask? Well, here are a couple of images to help with that too. First, we have the new BSAU145e plate for a motorbike, and the rules they need to adhere to in order to be BSAU145e-compliant.

BSAU145e motorbike

And again, here’s a bullet-point run through of the changes.

  • Size – the rules for the actual size of the number plate have changed, and must now be 237 x 178mm.
  • Digits – again, solid black only so no two-tone or 3D style digits.
  • Artwork – just like the standard set, the artwork in the bottom centre of the registration must be between 3 and 8mm high in one non-reflecting colour.
  • Borders – Must be no thicker than 5mm and be made up of one solid, non-reflective colour. They mustn’t come closer than 10mm to the registration digits.
  • The BS Mark – The BSAU145e mark must be shown in the manufacturer’s mark, on the bottom right hand corner of your number plate plate as you can see in the above image.

And when it comes to 4x4 plates, all of the above rules apply again, but with the addition of size requirements being 284 x 210mm a piece.

Here’s a lovely, illustrated example anyway, because we’re good like that.

BSAU145e 4x4

What does the new standard of number plate mean for me?

If you’re driving a car with a number plate already fixed and don’t plan on changing it, then the answer is nothing, it won’t affect you at all.

However, if you buy a private registration or personalised number plate in the UK from this day forth (September 1st 2021), it will have to adhere to the set of requirements that match the BSAU145e standard.

Where can I buy a BSAU145e standard number plate?

Right here with National Numbers! While other companies are just getting out of the starting blocks with the newly updated physical number plates, our parent company Jepson & Co Ltd have been producing registrations to this standard for most of the year in preparation for the update.

And since Jepson & Co Ltd provide the acrylics when you buy a number plate on our website (and choose the option to have the physical, acrylic number plates sent out to you with your purchase), then you’ll get a brand new set of number plates that adhere to the BSAU145e standard when you shop with us as, well, standard.

Buy a private number plate with National Numbers

If you’re in the market for a brand new private number plate, look no further than National Numbers.

You can browse the National Numbers website to find your perfect private number plate today and we even offer a massive range of 0% finance options on all of our plates.

Our customer service is also second to none, so give our team a call on 01642 363738 today or search for your perfect private number plate on the National Numbers website.

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